Photos from the
6th GOES Users' Conference
Monona Terrace Convention Center — Madison, WI
The Monona Terrce Convention Center, site of the 6th GOES Users Conference.
Bob Aune (left) and Tim Schmit flank the Governor's Proclamation instituting "GOES User Week."
The Governor's Proclamation instituting "GOES User Week."
Hank Revercomb, the Director of the Space Science and Engineering Center, delineates the value of more advanced instrumentation for satellite observations of Earth.
Hank Revercomb.
Steve Ackerman helps everyone "Imagine the Future" at his lunch-time presentation.
A discussion by the breakout sessions.
The results of the Product Distribution and Implementation breakout session.
Reviewing the results of the different breakout sessions.
Jessica Staude demonstrates the McIDAS-V software package.
Tom Whittaker illustrates improvements in computer analysis made possible by the McIDAS-V software package.