report produced with glance, version
comparison generated Mon Oct 19 18:00:59 2009 by user wstraka on
file A:
path: /home/wstraka/geocat/data_in_out/geocatL2.Meteosat-8.2006237.120000.ALLATONCE.ALLALG.hdf
md5sum for file A: 56cb4b93e00b7894d38788ca9439737f
last modified: Thu Oct 15 00:47:36 2009
file B:
path: /home/wstraka/geocat/data_in_out/geocatL2.Meteosat-8.2006237.120000.hdf
md5sum for file B: 36d63d0044e721c4608d8263739c0494
last modified: Mon Oct 19 17:45:05 2009
latitude: pixel_latitude
longitude: pixel_longitude
lon/lat data that is invalid in either file A or file B: 25.39%
Variable: baseline_cld_hght_seviri_cloud_beta_1112
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 99.8388%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 99.9254%![]()
Variable: baseline_cld_hght_seviri_cloud_emissivity
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 99.7831%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 99.9254%![]()
Variable: baseline_cld_hght_seviri_cloud_top_height
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 97.169%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 99.9254%![]()
Variable: baseline_cld_hght_seviri_cloud_top_pressure
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 97.8312%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 99.9254%![]()
Variable: baseline_cld_hght_seviri_cloud_top_temperature
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 98.6724%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 99.9254%![]()
Variable: baseline_cmask_seviri_cloud_mask
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 99.9143%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%![]()
Variable: baseline_ctype_seviri_cloud_phase
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 99.8486%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%![]()
Variable: baseline_ctype_seviri_cloud_type
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 99.8236%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%![]()
Variable: baseline_seviri_day_cloud_ice_water_path
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 99.0516%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 99.9343%![]()
Variable: baseline_seviri_day_cloud_liquid_water_path
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 99.2982%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 99.9343%![]()
Variable: baseline_seviri_day_cloud_optical_depth_vis
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 99.8162%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 99.9343%![]()
Variable: baseline_seviri_day_cloud_particle_effective_radius
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 99.6604%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 99.9343%![]()
Variable: goesr_ash_ret_ash_effective_radius
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 99.2899%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 99.989%![]()
Variable: goesr_ash_ret_ash_mass_loading
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 99.054%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 99.989%![]()
Variable: goesr_ash_ret_ash_optical_depth_ir
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 99.9855%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 99.9893%![]()
Variable: goesr_ash_ret_ash_optical_depth_vis
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 99.9666%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 99.9893%![]()
Variable: goesr_ash_ret_ash_top_height
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 97.2894%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 99.989%![]()
Variable: goesr_ash_ret_ash_top_pressure
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 98.7681%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 99.9893%![]()
Variable: goesr_ash_ret_ash_top_temperature
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 99.7135%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 99.9893%![]()
Variable: night_optprop_cloud_ice_water_path
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%![]()
Variable: night_optprop_cloud_liquid_water_path
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%![]()
Variable: night_optprop_cloud_optical_depth_vis
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%![]()
Variable: night_optprop_cloud_particle_effective_radius
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%![]()
Variable: nwp_x_index
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%![]()
Variable: nwp_y_index
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%![]()
Variable: ozone_seviri_o3_col
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%![]()
Variable: pixel_ecosystem_type
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%![]()
Variable: pixel_latitude
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%![]()
Variable: pixel_longitude
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%![]()
Variable: pixel_relative_azimuth_angle
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%![]()
Variable: pixel_satellite_zenith_angle
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%![]()
Variable: pixel_solar_zenith_angle
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%![]()
Variable: pixel_surface_type
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%![]()
Variable: prob_ash_mask_low_dbeta_ash_probability
Epsilon used: 0.1
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 99.9871%
The following variables were common to both files: