Cloud Phase Variable Comparison
report produced with glance, version
comparison generated Wed Sep 22 23:19:38 2010 by user evas on
file A:
path: /home/evas/GRAFIIRtemp/GlanceTesting/rrWithDiffPlatforms/diff-machines-truth/geocatL2.Meteosat-8.2005176.000000.hdf
md5sum for file A: f834c36fe8bbadc7f29337bceda31089
last modified: Fri Sep 17 14:08:34 2010
file B:
path: /home/evas/GRAFIIRtemp/GlanceTesting/rrWithDiffPlatforms/diff-machines-test/geocatL2.Meteosat-8.2005176.000000.hdf
md5sum for file B: fa9844fc02478fee710ca1e54c39c242
last modified: Fri Sep 17 13:50:38 2010
A configuration file was used to control the production report.
Please see this copy of the configuration file
for details.
Original Data
Comparison Information
variable name: baseline_ctype_seviri_cloud_phase
epsilon value: 0.0
"missing" data value in A: -128
"missing" data value in B: -128
Statistical Summary
Finite Data Statistics
a_finite_count*: 13778944
a_finite_fraction*: 1
b_finite_count*: 13778944
b_finite_fraction*: 1
common_finite_count*: 13778944
common_finite_fraction*: 1
finite_in_only_one_count*: 0
finite_in_only_one_fraction*: 0
General Statistics
a_missing_value*: -128
b_missing_value*: -128
epsilon*: 0
epsilon_percent*: None
max_a*: 5
max_b*: 5
min_a*: 0
min_b*: 0
num_data_points*: 13778944
shape*: (3712, 3712)
spatially_invalid_pts_ignored_in_a*: 0
spatially_invalid_pts_ignored_in_b*: 0
Missing Value Statistics
a_missing_count*: 0
a_missing_fraction*: 0
b_missing_count*: 0
b_missing_fraction*: 0
common_missing_count*: 0
common_missing_fraction*: 0
NaN Statistics
a_nan_count*: 0
a_nan_fraction*: 0
b_nan_count*: 0
b_nan_fraction*: 0
common_nan_count*: 0
common_nan_fraction*: 0
Numerical Comparison Statistics
correlation*: 1
diff_outside_epsilon_count*: 628
diff_outside_epsilon_fraction*: 4.558e-05
max_diff*: 4
mean_diff*: 7.78e-05
median_diff*: 0
perfect_match_count*: 13778316
perfect_match_fraction*: 1
r-squared correlation*: 1
rms_diff*: 0
std_diff*: 0.0141
trouble_points_count*: 628
trouble_points_fraction*: 4.558e-05