Comparison Summary

report produced with glance, version
comparison generated Mon Oct 26 23:57:32 2009 by user wstraka on

file A:

path: ./original/geocatNAV.Meteosat-8.xxxxxxx.000001.hdf
md5sum for file A: 90d125c6bd643b8948591580ee98b257
last modified: Mon Oct 26 21:08:28 2009

file B:

path: ./truth/geocatNAV.Meteosat-8.xxxxxxx.000001.hdf
md5sum for file B: 7e7c7e1bfc91097b602940d67e238e8b
last modified: Mon Oct 26 22:02:16 2009

latitude: pixel_latitude
longitude: pixel_longitude

WARNING: 10275746 data points (74.58% of all data) show possible mismatch in values stored in file a and file b longitude and latitude values. Depending on the degree of mismatch, some data value comparisons in this report may be distorted or spatially nonsensical. Please consider re-running this report and including an examination of your longitude and latitude variables with appropriate epsilons in order to analyze the significance of the difference.
View mismatching points in A's lon/lat system
View mismatching points in B's lon/lat system

File A has 5163 valid data points not present in File B.
File A has a total of 25.39% invalid longitude/latitude data.

File B has 5075 valid data points not present in File A.
File B has a total of 25.39% longitude/latitude invalid data.

lon/lat data that is invalid in either file A or file B: 25.42%

Compared Variables

Variable: pixel_coast_mask
Epsilon used: 2e-07
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 95.5664%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: pixel_desert_mask
Epsilon used: 2e-07
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 94.7807%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: pixel_ecosystem_type
Epsilon used: 2e-07
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 88.1826%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: pixel_land_mask
Epsilon used: 2e-07
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 98.4286%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: pixel_latitude
Epsilon used: 2e-07
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 0%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: pixel_longitude
Epsilon used: 2e-07
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 0.000155706%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: pixel_satellite_azimuth_angle
Epsilon used: 2e-07
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 0.0137314%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: pixel_satellite_zenith_angle
Epsilon used: 2e-07
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 0.730818%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: pixel_sea_surface_temperature
Epsilon used: 2e-07
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 38.553%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: pixel_snow_mask
Epsilon used: 2e-07
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: pixel_space_mask
Epsilon used: 2e-07
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: pixel_surface_elevation
Epsilon used: 2e-07
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 63.8326%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: pixel_surface_type
Epsilon used: 2e-07
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 88.6906%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: pixel_volcano_mask
Epsilon used: 2e-07
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 99.7399%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%

Shared Variables

The following variables were common to both files:
