#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ Glance config file for Geocat v0.8 functionality test comparisons. Created by Graeme Martin 20100223. Copyright (c) 2010 University of Wisconsin SSEC. All rights reserved. """ import glance.filters as filters # general settings to control how reports are created settings = {} settings['useThreadsToControlMemory'] = True settings['shouldIncludeImages'] = True #settings['useSharedRangeForOriginal'] = True settings['doFork'] = False # info on the latitude and longitude variables that will be used lat_lon_info = {} lat_lon_info['lon_lat_epsilon'] = 0.0001 satzenFilter = (lambda data, filterData: filters.filter_based_on_additional_data_set_min_max_bounds(data, filterData, missingValue=-32768, minOkFilterValue=-100, maxOkFilterValue=70)) # per variable defaults defaultValues = {} # a list of all the variables to analyze # # If you wish to analyze all possible variables, # do not place any entries in the setOfVariables (ie. just # leave it as an empty dictionary) setOfVariables = {} setOfVariables['relaz'] = { # this entry should correspond to the name in the data file 'variable_name': 'pixel_relative_azimuth_angle', 'variable_to_filter_on_a':'pixel_satellite_zenith_angle', 'variable_to_filter_on_b':'pixel_satellite_zenith_angle', 'variable_based_filter_a': satzenFilter, 'variable_based_filter_b': satzenFilter } setOfVariables['satzen'] = { # this entry should correspond to the name in the data file 'variable_name': 'pixel_satellite_zenith_angle', 'variable_to_filter_on_a':'pixel_satellite_zenith_angle', 'variable_to_filter_on_b':'pixel_satellite_zenith_angle', 'variable_based_filter_a': satzenFilter, 'variable_based_filter_b': satzenFilter } setOfVariables['lon'] = { # this entry should correspond to the name in the data file 'variable_name': 'pixel_longitude', 'variable_to_filter_on_a':'pixel_satellite_zenith_angle', 'variable_to_filter_on_b':'pixel_satellite_zenith_angle', 'variable_based_filter_a': satzenFilter, 'variable_based_filter_b': satzenFilter } setOfVariables['surface type'] = { # this entry should correspond to the name in the data file 'variable_name': 'pixel_surface_type', 'variable_to_filter_on_a':'pixel_satellite_zenith_angle', 'variable_to_filter_on_b':'pixel_satellite_zenith_angle', 'variable_based_filter_a': satzenFilter, 'variable_based_filter_b': satzenFilter } setOfVariables['eco type'] = { # this entry should correspond to the name in the data file 'variable_name': 'pixel_ecosystem_type', 'variable_to_filter_on_a':'pixel_satellite_zenith_angle', 'variable_to_filter_on_b':'pixel_satellite_zenith_angle', 'variable_based_filter_a': satzenFilter, 'variable_based_filter_b': satzenFilter } setOfVariables['solzen'] = { # this entry should correspond to the name in the data file 'variable_name': 'pixel_solar_zenith_angle', 'variable_to_filter_on_a':'pixel_satellite_zenith_angle', 'variable_to_filter_on_b':'pixel_satellite_zenith_angle', 'variable_based_filter_a': satzenFilter, 'variable_based_filter_b': satzenFilter } setOfVariables['lat'] = { # this entry should correspond to the name in the data file 'variable_name': 'pixel_latitude', 'variable_to_filter_on_a':'pixel_satellite_zenith_angle', 'variable_to_filter_on_b':'pixel_satellite_zenith_angle', 'variable_based_filter_a': satzenFilter, 'variable_based_filter_b': satzenFilter } setOfVariables['nwp x index'] = { # this entry should correspond to the name in the data file 'variable_name': 'nwp_x_index', 'variable_to_filter_on_a':'pixel_satellite_zenith_angle', 'variable_to_filter_on_b':'pixel_satellite_zenith_angle', 'variable_based_filter_a': satzenFilter, 'variable_based_filter_b': satzenFilter } setOfVariables['nwp y index'] = { # this entry should correspond to the name in the data file 'variable_name': 'nwp_y_index', 'variable_to_filter_on_a':'pixel_satellite_zenith_angle', 'variable_to_filter_on_b':'pixel_satellite_zenith_angle', 'variable_based_filter_a': satzenFilter, 'variable_based_filter_b': satzenFilter } setOfVariables['seviri cloud mask'] = { # this entry should correspond to the name in the data file 'variable_name': 'baseline_cmask_seviri_cloud_mask', 'variable_to_filter_on_a':'pixel_satellite_zenith_angle', 'variable_to_filter_on_b':'pixel_satellite_zenith_angle', 'variable_based_filter_a': satzenFilter, 'variable_based_filter_b': satzenFilter } setOfVariables['seviri cloud mask packed'] = { # this entry should correspond to the name in the data file 'variable_name': 'baseline_cmask_seviri_cloud_mask_packed' } setOfVariables['abi temperature profile'] = { # this entry should correspond to the name in the data file 'variable_name': 'imager_prof_retr_abi_tprof' } setOfVariables['abi water profile'] = { # this entry should correspond to the name in the data file 'variable_name': 'imager_prof_retr_abi_wprof' } # can't filter any of the sounding output because the res is reduced! setOfVariables['abi land surface temperature'] = { # this entry should correspond to the name in the data file 'variable_name': 'imager_prof_retr_abi_land_surface_temperature' } setOfVariables['abi lifted index'] = { # this entry should correspond to the name in the data file 'variable_name': 'imager_prof_retr_abi_lifted_index' } setOfVariables['abi cape'] = { # this entry should correspond to the name in the data file 'variable_name': 'imager_prof_retr_abi_cape' } setOfVariables['abi total totals index'] = { # this entry should correspond to the name in the data file 'variable_name': 'imager_prof_retr_abi_total_totals_index' } setOfVariables['abi k index'] = { # this entry should correspond to the name in the data file 'variable_name': 'imager_prof_retr_abi_k_index' } setOfVariables['abi showalter index'] = { # this entry should correspond to the name in the data file 'variable_name': 'imager_prof_retr_abi_showalter_index' } setOfVariables['abi total precipitable water'] = { # this entry should correspond to the name in the data file 'variable_name': 'imager_prof_retr_abi_total_precipitable_water' } setOfVariables['abi total precipitable water high'] = { # this entry should correspond to the name in the data file 'variable_name': 'imager_prof_retr_abi_total_precipitable_water_high' } setOfVariables['abi total precipitable water mid'] = { # this entry should correspond to the name in the data file 'variable_name': 'imager_prof_retr_abi_total_precipitable_water_mid' } setOfVariables['abi total precipitable water low'] = { # this entry should correspond to the name in the data file 'variable_name': 'imager_prof_retr_abi_total_precipitable_water_low' } setOfVariables['abi r4 generic 1'] = { # this entry should correspond to the name in the data file 'variable_name': 'imager_prof_retr_abi_r4_generic1' } setOfVariables['abi r4 generic 2'] = { # this entry should correspond to the name in the data file 'variable_name': 'imager_prof_retr_abi_r4_generic2' }