File Comparison Summary

report produced with glance, version
analysis generated Mon Feb 12 22:49:45 2018 by user graemem on

file A:

path: /home/graemem/workspace/20180207_geocat_instrument_file_update/test/instr_v0_4/geocatL1.HIMAWARI-8.2015241.085000.hdf
md5sum for file A: 9cb990a94d6e82a33bef6526ca7dc3c0
last modified: Mon Feb 12 22:00:21 2018

file B:

path: /home/graemem/workspace/20180207_geocat_instrument_file_update/test/instr_v0_5/geocatL1.HIMAWARI-8.2015241.085000.hdf
md5sum for file B: 5f27a5dead2dcc9864e9fdcf77b276d6
last modified: Mon Feb 12 22:26:34 2018

Compared Variables

Variable: bc1_planck
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 0%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: bc2_planck
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 0%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: calibration_offset
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: calibration_slope
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: calibration_slope_degrade
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: calibration_solar_constant
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: channel_10_brightness_temperature
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: channel_11_brightness_temperature
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: channel_12_brightness_temperature
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: channel_13_brightness_temperature
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: channel_14_brightness_temperature
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: channel_15_brightness_temperature
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: channel_16_brightness_temperature
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: channel_2_reflectance
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: channel_3_reflectance
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: channel_5_reflectance
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: channel_6_reflectance
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: channel_7_brightness_temperature
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: channel_7_emissivity
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 0%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: channel_7_reflectance
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 7.25399e-05%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 99.9038%
Variable: channel_8_brightness_temperature
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: channel_9_brightness_temperature
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: channel_wavenumber
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 0%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: fk1_planck
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 0%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: fk2_planck
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 0%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: pixel_ecosystem_type
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: pixel_latitude
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: pixel_longitude
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: pixel_relative_azimuth_angle
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: pixel_satellite_zenith_angle
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: pixel_solar_zenith_angle
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: pixel_surface_type
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%
Variable: scan_line_time
Epsilon used: 0.0
Finite values within one epsilon of difference: 100%
Data that matched in finite-ness between the files: 100%

Shared Variables

The following variables were common to both files:
