ABI Satellite RGB Webapp
Please note that all the applets on these pages use HTML5 and require an up-to-date browser!
These are also "touch-friendly" and should run on mobile devices.

UW-Madison logo CIMSS logo SSEC logo

Combine Observed First Light ABI images to make an RGB

US (15JAN2017)
Full Disk (15JAN2017)
Full Disk - small (15JAN2017)

  This webapp allows one to explore the different spectral bands for satellites, in this case observed first light ABI images.

Related Links
Other realtime SatRGB web pages
Other Realtime geo satellite imagery from around the world

CIMSS Satellite RGB Webapp for other sensors

CIMSS GOES-R Education Proving Ground
Many weather related Webapps

   Unless otherwise noted, all these applets are Copyright© 2014 by Tom Whittaker at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Imagery provided by Tim Schmit, NOAA NESDIS.