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Suggested AWIPS Color Enhancements for GOES Sounder Derived Product Imagery (DPI)

Instructions for updating AWIPS Workstations to CIMSS Color Enhancements

  1. Make a copy of your current /data/fxa/workFiles/ in the event something goes wrong during this procedure. If does not exist, download and untar the file. Save it to /data/fxa/workFiles before skipping to the eleventh step.

  2. In /data/fxa/workFiles, use ncdump to place the contents of into an editable text file (txt extension).

    > ncdump

  3. Use a GUI, such as nedit, to open the text file created in the previous step. While VI would work, it is probably more trouble than it is worth due to the size and nature of the file. There are three variables in the data portion of the file. All three of these will have to be carefully modified.

  4. Under the dimensions header, find
    numTables = UNLIMITED ; // (# currently)
    where # represents the number of custom tables currently stored in the file.
    Add five to this number. This is trivial, but should be done.

  5. In the data portion of the document, find the tableNames variable. Replace the space and semicolon at the very end of the current list of names, then add the following:
      "PW (CIMSS)
      "LI (CIMSS)
      "CTH (CIMSS)
      "Skin Temperature (CIMSS)
      "WV (CIMSS)
       " ;
  6. Find the tableKeys variable. Add the next five successive numbers in the series separated by commas and spaces. For example,
    tableKeys = 1000, 1001 ;

    should become

    tableKeys = 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006 ;

    Do not add numbers below 1000 or leave any discontinuities between the previous list and the current one. Make sure a semicolon completes the series. Note these numbers as they correspond to the list of names. That is, note that the CTH (CIMSS) table associates with the number 1004 in the above example.

  7. Scroll down to the bottom of the document where the tableColors variable ends. Here, replace the space and semicolon with a comma. Remove the closing bracket but do not delete the line. Save the file and close the editor.

  8. Use the cat function to append the downloaded cimss_tables.txt at the end of the file.

  9. In /data/fxa/workFiles, use ncgen to create a new netCDF file of your edits. The file should replace the file.

    > ncgen LocalFilename.txt -o

  10. In /awips/fxa/data/localization/LLL, where LLL represents an office ID, edit LLL-satDepictKeys.txt using your editor of choice and update number in the last column of the GOES Sounder DPI products. Using the example tableKeys from step six above, it should look like the following after edit:

      931 |2 |931 | |0     |0 |GOES Sounder DPI Lifted Index (C)       |NA GOES Sounder DPI LI  |8|0|1|1003
      932 |2 |932 | |0     |0 |GOES Sounder DPI Total Precip Water (mm) |NA GOES Sounder DPI TPW |8|0|1|1002
      933 |2 |933 | |0     |0 |GOES Sounder DPI Cloud Top Height (ft/100 MSL) |NA GOES Sounder DPI CTH |8|0|1|1004
      934 |2 |934 | |0     |0 |GOES Sounder DPI Skin Temperature (C)   |NA GOES Sounder DPI ST  |8|0|1|1005

    You may also wish to upgrade any or all UV imagery to CIMSS table by similarly changing the number in the last column (or second to last in the event of an additional column starting with an 's,') to the last number in the tableKeys series. Again, from step six above, it would be number 1006.

    If LLL-satDepictKeys.txt does not exist, copy it from /awips/fxa/data/localizationDataSets/LLL/satDepictKeys.txt and make the appropriate changes.

    Save and close the editor when complete.


    Edit /awips/fxa/data/localization/LLL/LLL-localImageStyle.txt by appending the following for all water vapor scales. This may be done in a more selective manner by comparing the first column in LLL-satDepictKeys.txt to the first column of these suggested entries. Save when completed.

    If LLL-localImageStyle.txt does not exist, create a new one.

    103 | |55. 0|40.|20.|0.|-20.|-35. 180 !|-40.|-60.|-80.|-110. 255 
    109 | |55. 0|40.|20.|0.|-20.|-35. 180 !|-40.|-60.|-80.|-110. 255 
    113 | |55. 0|40.|20.|0.|-20.|-35. 180 !|-40.|-60.|-80.|-110. 255 
    119 | |55. 0|40.|20.|0.|-20.|-35. 180 !|-40.|-60.|-80.|-110. 255 
    133 | |55. 0|40.|20.|0.|-20.|-35. 180 !|-40.|-60.|-80.|-110. 255 
    989 | |55. 0|40.|20.|0.|-20.|-35. 180 !|-40.|-60.|-80.|-110. 255 
    803 | |55. 0|40.|20.|0.|-20.|-35. 180 !|-40.|-60.|-80.|-110. 255 
    809 | |55. 0|40.|20.|0.|-20.|-35. 180 !|-40.|-60.|-80.|-110. 255 
    903 | |55. 0|40.|20.|0.|-20.|-35. 180 !|-40.|-60.|-80.|-110. 255 
    909 | |55. 0|40.|20.|0.|-20.|-35. 180 !|-40.|-60.|-80.|-110. 255 
    913 | |55. 0|40.|20.|0.|-20.|-35. 180 !|-40.|-60.|-80.|-110. 255 
    919 | |55. 0|40.|20.|0.|-20.|-35. 180 !|-40.|-60.|-80.|-110. 255 
    923 | |55. 0|40.|20.|0.|-20.|-35. 180 !|-40.|-60.|-80.|-110. 255 
    929 | |55. 0|40.|20.|0.|-20.|-35. 180 !|-40.|-60.|-80.|-110. 255 
    173 | |55. 0|40.|20.|0.|-20.|-35. 180 !|-40.|-60.|-80.|-110. 255 
    179 | |55. 0|40.|20.|0.|-20.|-35. 180 !|-40.|-60.|-80.|-110. 255 

    In LLL-satDepictKeys.txt, add ' (C)' after each WV product name (seventh column) with a changed color table. The result should be an entry that appears similar to IR Satellite (with the C for degrees Celsius) as compared to Visible Satellite (with counts/no units).

    With change:

      101 |2 |121 | |0     |0 |IR Satellite (C)        |Nh IR Sat           |8 |0 |1 |7 
      103 |2 |123 | |0     |0 |Water Vapor Satellite (C) |Nh Water Vapor    |8 |0 |1 |1006
      104 |2 |124 | |0     |0 |Visible Satellite       |Nh Vis Sat          |8 |0 |1 |25,100
  12. Run /awips/fxa/data/localization/scripts/mainScript.csh -dataSups -tables LLL LLL, where LLL is your three-letter office ID.

  13. When complete, restart D-2D and check to see if the color table changes were successful. If all is well, remove any files created or downloaded during this procedure.

Author:  Jordan Gerth, CIMSS/SSEC
Last Modified:  11 November 2005