Instructions for Installing the "Diagnosing Elevated Mesoscale Ascent - The Midland TX Heavy Snow Event" VISITview Teletraining Lesson

13 November 2000

In order to install this VISITview teletraining lesson, you will need to create a new directory on your Windows PDW hard drive, download a self-extracting, compressed file (an 'exe' file) into this directory, and then execute (run) this file in order to extract the lesson and program files.

  1. create a directory on your computer to hold this lesson.  For example, open a Command Prompt window and type:

  2.        cd \
           mkdir visit
           cd visit
           mkdir ascent
           cd ascent
    You can also do this using the Windows Explorer  or My Computer.
  3. get the self-extracting file (it is about 35 MB in size) by aiming your Web browser at either of the following locations:

  5. be sure to put this file into the same directory  you created in step 1.

  7. to extract all the image and program files, just run the midland_13nov00.exe file by either:
  8.                                             OR
This completes the installation.  To test the training session, first open the "Display" Control Panel and make sure your Settings for the Desktop Area is 800 by 600 pixels; then just click on the


filename from My Computer  or Windows Explorer, or open a Command Prompt window, and type:

              cd \visit\ascent

To begin the actual teletraining lesson, type visit from within the visit\ascent directory. During the lesson, if a message "Communications problem - restart" appears at the bottom of the window, then you will need to close out that window (double click over the "X" icon in the upper right corner of the ViewClient window), and then enter the visit command again.

Instructor notes for this lesson are contained in the file instructor_notes_kmaf_2.html. These notes contain the salient points for each Page of the Elevated Mesoscale Ascent lesson, and can be used when viewing the lesson in visitlocal mode.

In the Command Prompt window where you entered the visitlocal command, you will see various communications message appearing; for the most part, you should ignore these.
  If you are using a Unix system, you will need to install the JRE software on your local computer...for more information on doing this, send us email.

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