"GOES - Guess" differences of PW and sample levels

The changes made to first-guess atmospheric profiles by the GOES Sounder retrieval algorithm at CIMSS are displayed as differences of GOES - guess profile values. One integrated parameter from the vertical profiles is shown: total precipitable water vapor (PW) in mm. In addition, the primary ingredients often associated with atmospheric (thermodynamic) instability are shown by inclusion of level parameter information; the temperature and dewpoint at 850 hPa are typically representative indicators of warm, moist low levels, while the temperature at 500 HPa is associated with upper/mid level cold pools. The first-guess values (as used at CIMSS) are generated by interpolation of hourly surface airways observations and six-hourly output from the NCEP "Eta" numerical forecast model.

The displays of the last six (hourly) periods are framed within the backdrop of GOES Sounder Derived Product Imagery (DPI) of PW and LI. Positive values indicate that the GOES profiles are more moist (for the PW and for the 850 hPa dewpoint {over the LI}) or warmer (for the 850 and 500 hPa temperatures {over the LI}), than the model first-guess profiles. Please note that the GOES temperature adjustment to the first-guess is typically rather minimal, while the strong moisture signal in the GOES measurements is evident by the larger dewpoint adjustments. Three geographic regions of the US are shown, utilizing data from both GOES-8 in the east and GOES-10 in the west. Specific Java display controls allow for selection of animation, overlays, and frames of choice.

Similar type information is also available from FPDT, indicating the difference, or adjustment, made by the GOES Sounder retrievals (generated by NOAA/NESDIS FPDT) to the first-guess profiles created from the NCEP "AVN" numerical forecast model.

Disclaimer. The products from satellites and instruments shown here are experimental. These have been generated within a research environment and are not intended to be considered operational. Timeliness, availability, and accuracy are sought but not guaranteed.

Credits. Unless otherwise noted, all satellite data are provided by the Data Center at the Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) of the University of Wisconsin - Madison and are displayed using McIDAS, the Man computer Interactive Data Access System.

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Last update was 15 May 2001. Comments to: Curator.