# -- updpicomd2.scr -- update (2) loops (TPW, LI) for comparison of different *development* # versions of GOES Sndr DPI at CIMSS, plus Sndr radiance imagery. # updates: # 2008-04-24 -gsw- vers for MAG=2 zoom over cen US. # 2008-04-21 -gsw- vers for "development" versions of GOES Sndr DPIs. # 2008-03-17 -gsw- for GOES Sndr -indep- SFOV CTP DPI, plus Sndr radiance imagery. # 2006-05-02 -gsw- temp vers for adding 2nd CTP 4-pan display # (for QCng exp (termntr cld) MRGD-SFOV at CIMSS). echo /home/gops/seegsw/gswn.scr cd /var/apache/cimss/htdocs/goes/realtime/compare pwd echo # For 3 loops over the last 24 hours, of 4-panel displays of different development versions # of GOES Sndr DPI ([1] TPW and [2] LI) as well as [3] Sndr radiance imagery in 4 bands. # The DPI are from (1) team Li, (2) CIMSS 3x3, (3) exp CIMSS mrgd, and (4) static CIMSS mrgd. ls -1 dpicomdpw2.*.gif | tail -25 > listdpicomdpw2.txt ls -1 dpicomdli2.*.gif | tail -25 > listdpicomdli2.txt ls -1 dpicompsr2.*.gif | tail -25 > listdpicomdsr2.txt paste -d' ' listdpicomdpw2.txt olform25.txt listdpicomdpw2.txt comma25.txt listdpicomdli2.txt comma25.txt listdpicomdsr2.txt > listdpicomd2.txt echo "listdpicomd2.txt" ; cat listdpicomd2.txt echo