# -- updpicom4dif.scr -- update loops for comparison of all main params (TPW,LI,CTP DPI) # from all main sources (CIMSS, OPDB) and "flavors", and show image differences. # updates: # 2011-05-17 -gsw- version adding CTP (to TPW) displays and differences. # 2011-05-06 -gsw- version for image differencing betwn retrvl DPI flavors; only TPW so far. echo /home/gops/seegsw/gswn.scr cd /var/apache/cimss/htdocs/goes/realtime/compare/idiff pwd echo # before building lists of the appropriate images, pull over the latest "Sndr Rad" image 4-panel, # so they exist in this directory (/compare/idiff). FlAniS needs all its images in the local directory. srname=$(cat | ls -1 ../dpicompsr.*00.gif | tail -1) echo "Copy over the following Sndr Rad 4-panel, and then build the image list." echo echo $srname cp $srname . # from main sources (CIMSS,OPDB) and retrvl DPI flavors. # Just differencing TPW so far... ls -1 dpicom4npw.*.gif | tail -12 > listdpicom4npw.txt ls -1 dpicom3dpw.*.gif | tail -12 > listdpicom3dpw.txt ls -1 dpicom4nct.*.gif | tail -12 > listdpicom4nct.txt ls -1 dpicom3dct.*.gif | tail -12 > listdpicom3dct.txt ls -1 dpicompsr.*.gif | tail -12 > listdpicompsr.txt paste -d' ' listdpicom4npw.txt olform12.txt listdpicom4npw.txt comma12.txt listdpicom3dpw.txt comma12.txt listdpicom4nct.txt comma12.txt listdpicom3dct.txt comma12.txt listdpicompsr.txt > listdpicom4dif.txt echo echo "listdpicom4dif.txt" ; echo; cat listdpicom4dif.txt echo