# -- updpidiffpw.scr -- update (3) loops for comparison of different versions of GOES Sndr DPI # being the difference image betwn the FPDT-SFOV minus Ops 5x5 FOV as well # as the original DPI. # updates: # 2005-06-01 -gsw- initial run. echo /home/gops/seegsw/gswn.scr cd /var/apache/cimss/htdocs/goes/realtime/compare/diff pwd echo # For 3 loops over the last 06 hours, of FPDT-SFOV, Ops 5x5, and their difference TPW DPI. ls -1 dpidiffpw.*.gif | tail -06 > listdpidiffpwimg.txt ls -1 dpisfovpw.*.gif | tail -06 > listdpisfovpw.txt ls -1 dpi5x5pw.*.gif | tail -06 > listdpi5x5pw.txt paste -d' ' listdpidiffpwimg.txt olform.06.txt listdpidiffpwimg.txt comma.06.txt listdpisfovpw.txt comma.06.txt listdpi5x5pw.txt > listdpidiffpw.txt echo "listdpidiffpw.txt" ; cat listdpidiffpw.txt echo