GOES-8 sounder for BAND 8 (01:34 UTC)
GOES-8 sounder for BAND 8 (11:34 UTC)
GOES-8 sounder for BAND 8 (13:34 UTC)
Below is more information about the pixel just to the east of the Island of Monserrat (and the pixel to the east of that pixel).
area ss yyddd hhmmss lcor ecor lr er zr lsiz esiz z bands ---- ---- ----- ------ ----- ----- -- -- -- ----- ----- - ----- 8022 71 97266 112000 5401 8931 10 10 19 160 288 2 123456789ABCDEFG NOTE := AT THE POINT *EAST* OF THE ISLAND NOTE := SCALED (x100) BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURES: GIMD LINE ELEM LAT LON LZEN SZEN ELEV SURF VIS 6445 9945 1674 6207 2439 6722 365 7 6 CHAN1 CHAN2 CHAN3 CHAN4 CHAN5 CHAN6 CHAN7 CHAN8 CHAN9 21889 21839 23488 25011 25146 26126 26845 26281 25000 CHA10 CHA11 CHA12 CHA13 CHA14 CHA15 CHA16 CHA17 CHA18 25387 24622 23827 26281 25474 23895 28048 28272 29085 NOTE := AT THE POINT *EAST* OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED PIXEL NOTE := SCALED (x100) BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURES: GIMD LINE ELEM LAT LON LZEN SZEN ELEV SURF VIS 6445 9955 1674 6197 2446 6713 0 0 4 CHAN1 CHAN2 CHAN3 CHAN4 CHAN5 CHAN6 CHAN7 CHAN8 CHAN9 21711 21839 23996 25951 26886 28684 29102 29311 27232 CHA10 CHA11 CHA12 CHA13 CHA14 CHA15 CHA16 CHA17 CHA18 26483 25661 24432 28365 26951 24714 29064 29781 29876 LZEN is the local zenith angle, SZEN is the solar zenith angle ELEV is the surface elevation (m), SURF is surface type (0=ocean) time, dwell, step, dect, sat: 113446 1 0 1 8While the imager has finer resolution, the sounder has several additional channels. The higher resolution of the imager in the visible, IR window, and split window difference are shown.