02 Dec 2004 vs 12 Jan 2005 - Aqua MODIS Natural Color Image Fader

Los Angeles CA High-Resolution Sector

* Left-click to zoom in, then click-and-drag mouse to roam; Right-click to zoom out *

Hold the left mouse button down as you drag the Slider control (labelled "Set Fade Level") above the image (or click on the arrow buttons) to fade between the 2 Aqua MODIS natural color images of the Los Angeles CA area on 02 December 2004 versus 12 January 2005 (to quickly toggle between the 2 images, click in the middle of the Slider control area, beneath the word "Fade" in "Set Fade Level").

These images (acquired by the SSEC MODIS Direct Broadcast site) show the extent of the offshore flow of sediment following record rainfall and flooding across much of southern California during early January 2005.

Java applet developed by Tom Whittaker, CIMSS / SSEC

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