Severe convection was responsible for several reports of tornadoes, large hail, and damaging winds across parts of the southcentral and southeastern U.S. late in the day on 24 May 2000. InfraRed (IR) imagery from the geostationary NOAA GOES-8 and the polar-orbiting NASA TERRA MODIS shows the very cold cloud top temperatures (-70 to -80 C, red to black enhancement) associated with this convection at 04:30 UTC on 25 May (11:30 PM CDT on 24 May).
The higher resolution of the MODIS IR data (1.0 km, compared to 4.0 km on GOES) reveals more detail within the cloud top temperature fields: note the concentric anvil-layer waves propagating northward from the coldest cloud tops over southern Missouri, and the finer structure of the Enhanced-V cloud top signature over western Tennessee. The coldest cloud top temperatures measured by MODIS across Kentucky and Tennessee were -85 to -86 C (black to gray enhancement), compared to -77 to -79 C (dark red to black enhancement) measured by GOES-8.
There were several reports of damaging winds (gusts to 70 mph) around this time across northern Arkansas and southern Missouri. About 35 minutes after the time of this imagery, damaging winds were also reported in Nashville, Tennessee (beneath the Enhanced-V signature region). This convection also produced heavy rainfall (3 to 5 inches) across the region.
Fade between a GOES and "ABI-2km" (from MODIS) image: Java applet that fades between a GOES and "ABI" image