4th NOAA Hyperspectral Workshop


August 17-19, 2004

Pyle Center, 702 Langdon Street
Madison WI



Updated: August 16, 2004



Goals :


·        Explore broadband adequacy versus Hyperspectral necessity for environmental characterizations (land, ocean, atmosphere)





·        What are the future directions/shortfalls for Hyperspectral radiative transfer?

·       How can NOAA best prepare for autonomous instrument synergy?

·       What are the future directions/shortfalls for data compression?

4th NOAA Hyperspectral Workshop

Pyle Center, 702 Langdon Street


Tuesday Afternoon 17 August 2004




1300-1310           Welcome                                                                          Steve Ackerman, CIMSS

1310-1320           Introductory Remarks/Logistics/Agenda                      T. Schmit, NOAA NESDIS
                                                                                                                        & Ed Howard, NOAA

1320-1330           NOAA’s needs for hyper-spectral imaging   T. Schmit, NOAA NESDIS            

and sounding


Issues of hyperspectral data in relationship to Radiative Transfer (RT)


1330-1345           IR RT                                                                                

1345-1400           IR RT (recent updates)                                                   Larrabee Strow, UMBC

1400-1415           RT of clouds                                                                     T. Greenwald, CIMSS

1415-1430           Discussion                                                                       All


1430-1445           Break


1445-1515           Vis/NearIR RT                                                                 Mike Griffin MIT/LL  &

A. Heidinger, NOAA NESDIS


Applications of hyperspectral data


1515-1545           Atmosphere Summary + discussion                             Allen Huang, CIMSS      

1545-1615           Climate  + discussion                                                     Hsiao-hua Burke, MIT/LL            

1615-1645           Tropical Applications                                                      M. DeMaria, NOAA/NESDIS

1645-1700           Temporal/spectral/spatial                               J. Purdom, CIRA

1700-1715           Closing Discussions for Tuesday                  All


Dinner – Location: Informal in the area

4th NOAA Hyperspectral Workshop

Pyle Center, 702 Langdon Street


Wednesday 18 August 2004


0825-0830           Intro/Logistics                                                                  T. Schmit, NOAA NESDIS


Instrument Options


0830-0845           What is HES?                                                                  Monica Coakley, MIT/LL

0845-0900           Grating                                                                            Richard Baron, JPL

0900-0915           Interferometer                                                                 Hank Revercomb, SSEC

0915-0930           Discussions                                                                     All


Applications (Continued from Tuesday)


0930-1000           NWP + discussion                                                          Ralph Petersen, CIMSS


1000-1015               Break

1015-1045           Land Summary    + discussion                                      Bob Knuteson, CIMSS

1045-1115           Ocean Summary + discussion                                      Nick Nalli, QSS Group Inc.

1115-1145           Clouds/Aerosols Summary + discussion                     Steve Ackerman, CIMSS

1145-1215           Trace gases + discussion                               Larrabee Strow, UMBC

1215-1315               Lunch – Location: Pyle Center


Working Groups


1315-1530           Split into Working Groups                                                              

                                             land/ocean/atmosphere&clouds/climate/trace gases

                                             What does Hyperspectral add over broadband imagers?


1415-1430           Break


1530-1630           “Report” from each working group

1630-1700           Closing Discussion for Wednesday


Dinner – Location: University Club 803 State Street  (5:30 Cash Bar, 6:30 Dinner)

4th NOAA Hyperspectral Workshop

Pyle Center, 702 Langdon Street


Thursday 19 August 2004


0830-0845           Intro/Logistics                                                                  T. Schmit/A. Heidinger, NOAA NESDIS


System Strategies


0845-0900           HES/ABI synergy                                                            T. Schmit, NOAA             


0915-0930           Discussion                                                                       All




0930-0945           Application Analysis Tools /                                           Mike Griffin MIT/LL

AHABS Demonstration

0945-1000           Next generation McIDAS (V)                                         Tom Whittaker, SSEC


1000-1015           Break


1015-1030           Application Analysis Tools / “HYDRA”                         Kevin Baggett, CIMSS

1030-1045           VNIR/SWIR compression results                   Su May Hsu, MIT LL

1045-1100           Compression Techniques: HES IR Sounder               B. Huang/CIMSS

1100-1115           Compression Techniques: IR Sounder                        W. Blackwell/MIT LL

1115-1200           Wrap up/future of Workshop(s)                                     All


1200-1300               Lunch – Location: Pyle Center


End of workshop