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Category: GOES-12

GOES-12 is retired from service

The GOES-12 Sounder has sent its last data, ending more than 12 years of service. The GOES-12 Sounder was turned off at 1100 UTC on 13 August. GOES-12 was launched on July 23, 2001, and GOES-12 transmitted data from 16 August 2001 – 7 January 2002, and then more or... Read More

The Memphis Derecho of July 22 2003

On the morning of July 22, 2003, a strong derecho moved through metropolitan Memphis, TN, with winds exceeding hurricane-force. The most significant impact of this storm was a loss of power caused in part by the many trees that were downed by the winds. The Storm Report for the day from... Read More


Tropical Storm Dorian has formed in the far eastern Tropical Atlantic, just west of the Cape Verde Islands. The visible imagery above, from GOES-13 (left) and GOES-12 (right) shows the evolution of the storm in the morning on July 25th. The position change in six hours between 0845 UTC and 1445 UTC... Read More