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Welcome to the ABI Visible Compression Web Page

A collection of visible images based on the high-spatial resolution NASA MODIS hdf_data have been selected for several bands to support ABI Government Field Test studies. These images include some weather phenomena, such as Daytime Cloud, dust, fire and smoke, fog, Ocean color, snow and ice, and storm. The hdf (original) images are copied from the MODIS level 1B hdf_data set excepting subsected over the region of interest.

To best view the png loops on the web, one must allow java-scripts and make sure your screen bit-depth setting is at least 16-bit. The NASA MODIS hdf_data were supplied by SSEC and compressed by MIT/LL.

  The test target images are added at the bottom of this page
Daytime Cloud
Daytime Clouds
Band 1
Daytime Clouds
Band 2
Daytime Clouds
Band 3
Daytime Clouds
Band 6
Daytime Clouds
Band 26
Eastern Coast
August 7, 2002
HDF Data
Dust Storm
Daytime Clouds
Band 1
Western Africa
June 30, 2002
HDF Data
Fire and smoke Storm
Alberta fires
Band 1
Albert, Canada
June 6, 2002
HDF Data

Test Targets: Image Image The test images were supplied by Dan Flanagan. Download

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  Last modified October 2, 2002