~/Mfiles/ume/ This is a first draft at a simple way of browsing HIS .ume data files (100 word header) in MATLAB. The two main functions are umereader.m and umebrowser.m. umereader loads in data from a .ume file and puts the results into a structure (i.e. 'his'). The field names of this structure are defined explicitly for use with umebrowser. umebrowser uses the structure and provides a simple point and click browse of the data. Additional documentation can be found within the code itself. The other *.m files are used within umereader and umebrowser. All of the files in the edittools toolbox are also needed for umebrowser. This directory (edittools/) is added to the matlab path upon startup in startup.m. ~/Mfiles/ume/ 559000 Nov 3 14:50 930919b1.ume sample .ume file 2436 Nov 3 14:52 readme.txt this file 7479 Nov 3 14:52 blowup.m for changing plot axes limits 136703 Nov 3 14:21 coastlin.mat low resolution coastline data 1162 Nov 3 14:21 dates.m for making time lables look right 246 Nov 3 11:08 deleter.m for deleting objects from a plot 204 Nov 3 14:21 dn.m time conversion 1024 Nov 3 14:34 edittools/ gui toolbox 567 Nov 3 14:18 holder.m for holding a plot 1519 Nov 3 14:20 nosecsince1970.m compute seconds since 0 UTC 1-Jan 1970 125 Nov 3 14:17 radtot.m convert radiance to brightness temperature 23 Nov 3 14:41 startup.m envoked upon matlab startup 8255 Nov 3 14:16 umebrowser.m main browser routine 3393 Nov 3 14:16 umecallback.m used within umebrowser.m 3461 Nov 3 08:08 umereader.m loader routine After downloading these files (including what's in edittools/), start MATLAB and at the prompt type: >> his = umereader; and use the gui to pick out a .ume file, or if you already know the filename, just enter it directly (i.e. his = umereader('930919.ume');) To see the fields of the structure his, simply type >> his To plot the first spectrum, type >> plot(his.freq,his.rad(1,:)) or to start the browser, >> umebrowser(his) or, to combine these tow commands, >> umebrowser(umereader) For help with any of the functions, type i.e. "help umebrowser" at the MATLAB prompt. Some known bugs/limitations/features are listed at the beginning of each m-file. I've done only minimal testing on this package so it comes with the usual disclaimer. questions/bugs/comments, please contact dave.tobin@ssec.wisc.edu DCT 11/03/97 Things that will be included in the next version - 6-second HIS footprint drawn on map - pull-down menu in figure 2 for including other header info - higher resolution map for close-up views - off-nadir views - etc