~/Mfiles/rnc MATLAB reader and browser for AERI .rnc files. Requires that the rnc files be turned into cdf files via dmvtocdf. also requires a netcdf libaray and mex'd interface. usage: start MATLAB and at the prompt type >>aeri = readaeri; to load some aeri data into the structure "aeri". Then to start the browser, just type >>rncbrowser description of the browser gui buttons: screen 1: screen 2: file: 2149980 Nov 4 09:35 aeri00_970926c1.cdf sample aeri NetCDFfile (produced w/ dmvtocdf) 7259 Nov 4 16:36 blowup.m for changing axes limits 204 Nov 5 17:18 dn.m date conversions 1024 Nov 4 10:32 edittools/ gui tools 1617 Nov 5 17:35 matlab.html web page 125 Nov 5 17:18 radtot.m radiance to BT function 1377 Nov 4 10:38 rd_netcdf2.m interface function for mexcdf reader 3196 Nov 5 17:18 readaeri.m main function for loading aeri data 399 Nov 5 17:37 readme.txt this file 4442 Nov 5 16:38 rncbrowser.m main script for browsing 9212 Nov 5 17:21 rnccallback.m contains all the callbacks from rncbrowser 83 Nov 5 17:31 startup.m executed at MATLAB startup/