CSPP Geo GRB Version 1.0 Release

10 Aug 2018

The Version 1.0 release includes the following changes, relative to Version 0.4.7:

  • Various stability improvements and minor bug fixes.
  • Performance improvements to reduce overall product latency and CPU load.
  • Improved handling of error conditions and edge cases.
  • New configuration settings controlling program execution and product generation.
  • Migrated to new quicklooks codebase; various quicklooks issues resolved and overall performance improved; new command-line options are available.
  • Added support for multicast UDP ingest.
  • Added GOES-17 GRB provisional processing capability.
  • Interface changes: new installation procedure and environment setup; user-callable scripts have been renamed; package layout and default output directory structure have been reorganized.
  • Added provisional support for ABI Mode 6.
  • Logging improvements including: monitoring hooks for CADU reception rate by channel, correct log message levels now tagged in ingestor log, logging level is now configurable.
  • Added CSPP Geo specific attributes to product files.
  • Added a user-callable diagnostics script.
  • The CentOS 7 platform is now explicitly supported in addition to CentOS 6
  • Changes to program behavior in command-line mode. Note that command-line mode is now deprecated; only streaming mode will be supported in future Version 2.0.

Output is written to mission-standard NetCDF-4 files. Optionally, quicklooks can be generated from the ABI radiance product.

The test data package includes GOES-16 data from all instruments acquired from the antenna at the UW-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center, as well as a data feeder test script. The test script frames the packets into CADUs, then sends the data as UDP datagrams to the ports monitored by the CSPP Geo GRB software, simulating a GRB data stream as delivered by a demodulator.

For information on installing, configuring and operating the software, refer to the CSPP Geo GRB Software Users' Guide.


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