CSPP Geo AIT Framework Version 1.0.9 Beta Release

05 Jan 2018

The initial release of the CSPP Geo Algorithm Integration Team (AIT) Framework Beta package processes Level 1B (L1B) Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) data from the GOES-16 satellite, and generates Level 2 (L2) derived geophysical products.

The beta release includes the following changes since the alpha release:

  • Software improvements to reduce the processing time.
  • NetCDF4 output files in GOES-R Series Product Definition and Users’ Guide (PUG) format are now created by default.
  • Cloud and Moisture Imagery Products (CMIP) are now created as part of the main aitf script.
  • Users can now control which products are being created using the --products and --skip-products flags.
  • Updates to product algorithms.
  • Quicklook images can optionally be generated.
  • Changes to output file naming convention.

Minimum system requirements for the CSPP AIT Framework software are as follows. Note that this specification does not account for quicklook image generation.

  • Intel Xeon E5 v2 “Ivy Bridge”, 20-core (2 x 10-core), 2.8GHz CPU with 64-bit instruction support,
  • 192 GB RAM
  • CentOS 6 64-bit Linux (or other compatible 64-bit Linux distribution),
  • 14 TB disk space (does not include long-term storage)

An internet connection is required to download dynamic ancillary data. The expected volume of dynamic ancillary data is about 1.5 GB per day while the instrument is in Mode 3.


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