Vaisala Sondes Specifications

The following information was obtained from the Environment Canada folder in the ASAP van on board the Discoverer, and are unofficial.

VAISALA RS 80-15 and RS 80-15 N Specifications:

Temperature sensor type Capacitive bead
Range of measurement +60 to -90 Celsius
Accuracy +/- 0.2 Celsius
Resolution 0.1 Celsius
Lag (6m/s flow) 1.5 s at 1000mb
Solar radiation correction < 1 Celsius at 10 mb and 60 deg solar elevation
Pressure sensor type Capacitive aneroid
Range of measurement 1060 to 3 mb
Accuracy +/- 1 mb
Resolution 0.1 mb
Humidity sensor type: thin film capacitor
Range of measurement 0 to 100 % RH
Accuracy +/- 2% RH
Resolution 1 % RH
Lag (6 m/s flow) 1 s at 1000 mb, 20 Celsius
Sampling density 1 sample per second for each parameter
Calibration data contents third degree equation coefficients for each sensor with checksum for entry verification
Weight ready for release Less than 200 g
Case dimensions 55 mm * 147 mm * 395 mm