I stopped rapid scan for 26, 27 July at 2130 UTC yesterday. The data is
on Deluge in directory AE020727RS_1 and is the last part of a 24 hr
continuous collection with the "HASAHS..." sequence with 6 scans per
scene. A few minutes later, I began the sequence "HAS1S2S3AHS1S2S3..."
and this continues to run to the present (1355 UTC) and is being
processed in real time. I plan on returning to normal AERI operations
during campaign aircraft flight time later today (anticipated to be from
approximately 1300 to 2000 EDT).
Connor's lidar is still not operating but all other local instruments
are. The radar is only turned to operate properly with human attention
and that is usually from about 7AM to 7PM daily.
The data collected until 0 UTC today (28th) is now available on
Deluge:\wares\incoming. The following outlines the directory contents
for all data transferred from the 26th and 27th of July:
Dir AE020726_OP is normal operationally collected data up until 5:30 EDT
(2130 UTC) for the 26th of July
Dir AE020726RS_1 contains data collected on the 26th from 2130 UTC to 0
UTC on the 27th of July in Rapid Scan 1 mode ("HASAHS..." w/ 6 scans per
mirror position)
Dir AE020727RS_1 contains data collected on the 27th from 0 UTC to 2130
UTC on the 28th of July in Rapid Scan 1 mode ("HASAHS..." w/ 6 scans per
mirror position)