Subject: [Crystal] AERI-bago Daily Summary 22 July-2002
From: Jason Brunner
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 16:12:48 +0000
To: Crystal , Steve Ackerman

AERI-bago Daily Summary

Date: 22 Jul 2002 (Monday)
Location: Everglades City, Florida
Operator: Jason Brunner

Weather Conditions:
The sky was clear in the morning with scattered cumulus developing by
late morning (14:00 UT).  Some
cirrus was seen to the east of the Aeri-bago site by 15:00 UT.  There
was a brief light shower that lasted
from 18:26 to 18:30 UT.  A second shower occurred from 19:09 to 19:15
UT.  This shower was heavier
than the first one.  By late afternoon, after 20:00 UT, towering cumulus
were seen to the east of the site.
At 22:00 UT a thick anvil was observed to the northeast.

Instrument Status:
The AERI is working good.  The hatch closed and opened OK in response to
both showers.

There were no flights for today.  A few overpasses by the ER-2 were
planned over the western
site around 19:00 UT, but the overpasses were cancelled.

Today was my first day running the AERI.  Thanks to Bob Holz for making
the transition run
smoothly.  I saw my first gator today (besides seeing one in the zoo)
and the mosquitoes are
quite friendly!

Any questions feel free to call or email:
AERI phone: 941 695 2113

Jason Brunner

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