Subject: [Crystal] AERI-bago Daily Summary 21 July-2002
From: Robert Holz
Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002 21:41:55 -0500
To: Crystal , ""

AERI-bago Daily Summary

Date: 21 July 2002 (Sunday)
Location: Everglades City, Florida
Operator: Bob Holz

Weather Conditions:
Clear in the morning with scattered cumulous. There was convective
activity to the west of the site. A very large thunderstorm complex
developed inland in the afternoon. Throughout the afternoon cirrus where
visible. The PNL cloud radar showed a cloud layer with bases at
approximately 8 km with tops at 16 km by 6:30pm. At 7:00pm thunderstorms
moved over the western site.

Instrument Status:
The AERI is functioning well. However, The realtime web site did not
update throughout the day. The data was transferred to SSEC correctly
but the web site claimed there was no data. After 0:00 UT July 22 the
web site has been working correctly.

All aircraft where flying today.

Today is my last day running the AERI. Jason will be taking over the
operation of the AERI starting tomorrow.
    I want to acknowledge Conner Flynn (from PNL) for playing a integral
role in keeping the AERI running for the last two weeks. Working with
Connor (and his wife Donna) was not only a lot of fun but also a great
learning experience. Thanks again Conner.

Any questions feel free to call or email:
AERI phone: 941 695 2113

Bob Holz

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