Subject: [Crystal] AERI-bago Daily Summary 14-15 July-2002
From: Robert Holz
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 21:42:10 -0500
To: Crystal , ""

AERI-bago Daily Summary

Date: 14-15 July 2002 (Sunday and Monday)
Location: Everglades City, Florida
Operator: Bob Holz

Weather Conditions:
Sunny with afternoon cumulous on Sunday. Today (Monday) there where
isolated rain showers in the afternoon. Lots of thunderstorm activity on
the eastern side of Florida. The anvils  where visible above the the
bago in the afternoon. Temperatures where in the low 90's.

Instrument Status:
At 1919 (UT)  The hatch partially closed and tripped the ground fault
protection. I reset the GFI but the hatch would trip the GFI every time
I attempted to close or open the hatch. This occurred in manual and auto
mode. At approximately 0000 (UT 16th) 8:00pm (local) I got the hatch to
work again. I took the actuator off and opened the compartment
containing the limit switches. I checked the limit switches and all
seemed OK. The actuator would still not work. I left and got a quick
drink and came about 1 hour later. I tried the actuator and it worked! I
put some WD-40 on the contacts for the limit switch and motor
connections guessing that water could have caused the problem. I tested
the hatch multiple times and it worked. The only problem I found was
that the APU was not able to completely close the hatch if the the power
was not connected. It is possible that the APU is not fully changed. I
will check this tomorrow. I hope the hatch continues to work tonight.

There where no flights Sunday or Monday.

Any questions feel free to call or email:
AERI phone: 941 695 2113

Bob Holz

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