Subject: [Crystal] AERI-bago Daily Summary 11-July-2002
From: Robert Holz
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 21:48:35 -0500
To: Crystal

AERI-bago Daily Summary

Date: 11 July 2002 (Thursday)
Location: Everglades City, Florida
Operator: Bob Holz

Weather Conditions:
Finally a day with no rain! Well this  is not quite true, there was a
small shower this morning. There was scattered cumulous with a little
(nimbus) in the morning. By 12:00 pm there where higher altocumulus
with  cirrus above. East of the Everglade city the radar showed
significant convective activity. The lidar showed cirrus at 12 km that
persisted through the afternoon.

Instrument Status:
The RH sensor was supersaturated again in the morning. I checked the
receiving mirror and did not see any condensation. A good discussion
with Bob K.,John short and Erik produced multiple possible solutions to
the problem. The first solution was to change the direction of flow of
air through the ambient air vent into the
AERI. The idea is that the moist, warm outside air cools as it travels
through the ducting located in the cool Bago. By changing the direction
of flow so that the air pulled through the AERI first and then through
the ducting, the  air will have less time to cool before it enters the
AERI. We will see if this is a solution tomorrow.
    The network problems from last night are resolved and the real-time
AERI-BAGO web site is being updated.
    Data was retrieved with the sun photometer periodically through the
day when the sun was visible through the clouds.

There where multiple overpass flights today. I was informed of an ER2
and a B57 overpass. The AERI was on line all day so all overpasses will
have AERI data. I was not informed of the scientific goals.

Any questions feel free to call or email:
AERI phone: 941 695 2113

Bob Holz

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