AERI-bago Daily Summary
Date: 9 July 2002 (Tuesday)
Location: Everglades City, Florida
Operator: Bob Holz
Weather Conditions:
Clouds persisted through the entire day. A combination of low and high
cumulus as well as high level clouds. Temperatures were in the 80's.
Instrument Status:
This morning the real time and archive scripts where not running. With
the help of Wayne Feltz we successfully fixed them. As of 10:30 pm the
AERI real time data is being updated on the web site at
The weather station was not was not aligned with the correct heading
(my mistake). I realigned the station. The wind direction data after
1:00pm (local) should be correct.
Due to persistent clouds no data was taken with the sun photometer.
The Citation made an overpass at approximately 15:30 local time. I was
not informed about the scientific goals. During the overpass there was a
cloud layer at approximately 4 km according to the PNL lidar located on
The first full day of AERI operation was successful despite a few small
problems. The good news is the AERI has been collecting data with no
interruptions. Any questions feel free to call or email:
AERI phone: 941 695 2113
e-mail: reholz@ssec.wisc.edu
Bob Holz