We are studying cloud regimes and their atmospheric oscillations at multiple spatial and temporal scales and placing these studies in context with the larger long-term cloud data records. We will accomplish this through studying joint variable histograms and the mean state of the cloud fields. Once the state of the cloud field is quantitatively defined from MODIS's perspective, we will create some benchmark comparisons with heritage cloud data sets and engage in more detailed analyses of specific phenonmena.

Some activities relevant to this workshop:

MODIS Cloud Mask Summary: presents results on valdiation activities and sensitivity of MODIS cloud mask algorithm to thresholds

MODIS Cloud Properties: Analysis of MODIS cloud time series, covariance maps, impact of viewing geometry and other figures based on Level-3 products.

MODIS Cloud Amount: Analysis of MODIS cloud algorithm and other algorithms and instruments.

MODIS Regional Studies: Analysis of MODIS cloud properties of local regions such as Island wake effects and stratoculums cloud decks.