Current Weather and Forecast Info:

Current Conditions:


  • Surface Temperature | Moisture | Wind | MSLP | 3-Hour Pressure Change
  • Wisconsin | Minnesota | Iowa | Illinois Weather Roundup
  • Wisconsin | Minnesota | Iowa | Illinois Forecast Discussions
  • Ohio State Click and Point Text Information
  • Ohio State Click and Point Surface Plots
  • NCAR Regional "Realtime" Surface Plots
  • Snow Products

  • Wisconsin Snow Depths (Cirrus Midwest Monitor)
  • Midwest Snow Depths through 7 am (LST) (Midwest Climate Center)
  • 24 hour Midwest Snowfall through 7 am (LST) (Midwest Climate Center)
  • Upper Air

  • Green Bay | Lincoln, Illinois | Quad Cities | Minneapolis | Alpena | International Falls Upper Air Plots
  • 850 | 700 | 500 | 300 | 250 mb Upper Air Analysis (Ohio State)
  • Blue River, Wisconsin | Slater, Iowa | Wood Lake, Minnesota Wind Profiler Images
  • Animated Wind Profiler Data
  • Satellite Imagery

  • Current 1Km Wisconsin Visible Static | Animation (SSEC)
  • Curren Upper Midwest Visible 1.5 Km (NCAR) Static | Animation
  • Current US GOES-8 Visible | IR | Water Vapor (SSEC)
  • Current US GOES - 8 Visible | IR | Water Vapor Animation (SSEC)
  • Radars

  • Midwest Radar Summary|Animation
  • US Radar Summary |Animation
  • Forecast Information:

  • Ohio State Click and Point Text Information
  • Forecast Models:

  • ETA 48-Hour Surface | 700 hPa | 500 hPa Animation
  • NGM 48-Hour Surface | 500 hPa Animation
  • UW-NMS 48-Hour Surface ( 00z init | 12z init ) | 500 hPa ( 00z init | 12z init ) Animation
  • AVN 72-Hour Surface | 700 hPa | 500 hPa Animation
  • MRF 6-Day 500 hPa | 700 hPa Animation
  • ECMWF 6-Day 500 hPa Animation
  • Forecast Model Links:

  • Ohio State
  • UW-NMS

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