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ASAP science covers a number of objectives in six categories:

Convective Weather
  • Develop satellite-based information that will aid in the realtime nowcasting of convective initiation (CI) and the diagnosis of convection on meso- and synoptic scales.
  • Develop a series of CI “interest fields” from existing satellite sensors (e.g. GOES, MODIS) that can help predict future convection on local scales (i.e., 1-4 km).
  • Develop new methods for using hyperspectral data for accomplishing these goals.

Related Web site:
CIMSS Convective Studies


Convective initiation potential

Turbulence Detection
  • Develop satellite-based techniques to identify and characterize regions of moderate and severe clear-air (e.g., mountain waves), and cloud-induced turbulence (e.g., thunderstorms), as detectible in GOES, and especially MODIS infrared data.
  • Develop value-added products of turbulence from satellite data sets that can be used in conjunction with numerical simulation and existing PDT turbulence prediction systems.
Turbulence Detection

Oceanic Weather
  • Apply satellite-based information that will aid in the forecasting and analysis of hazardous weather over oceans. Overlaps with other PDT efforts.
  • Use products that help identify regions of high flight-level winds, dust, turbulence, convection, and clouds that can assist in trans-oceanic travel.


Cloud Top Pressure over Western Hemisphere

Cloud Properties
  • Develop satellite-based information that will aid in the realtime diagnosis of cloud microphysical properties and cloud type.
  • Emphasize use of MODIS imagery and other high-spectral resolution data.

Cloud Properties/Volcanic Ash
  • Develop satellite-based information that will aid in the realtime diagnosis of volcanic ash, ash clouds and ash characteristics.
  • Emphasize use of MODIS imagery and other high-spectral resolution data.

Related Web site:
Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Volcanic Hazard Assessment


Volcanic ash


  • Incorporate satellite-derived winds to identify possible turbulent regions associated with upper tropospheric jets.
