PPT Slide
- Region is 35S-35N, 110W-20W, rectangular map, 0.1-degrees/pixel
- GOES-8 (East) routine half-hourly scans extend down to 20S,
versus the equator for GOES-10 (West) (fulldisks every three hours)
TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) coverage extends from about 38S-38N
- Assures sufficient coincident space-and-time passes of the current
(December 1998) SSM/I’s (F-11, F-13, F-14), which is needed to
gather as many coincident pixels for histogram techniques
- SSM/I data arrive within three hours of orbit completion time courtesy
Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC)
- TRMM data arrive in near-real time courtesy TRMM Science and Data
Information Service (TSDIS)