PPT Slide
Locate all geostationary data within
Geostationary data ingests
Spatially average geostationary channels to the SSM/I rain rate resolution
Compute SSM/I rain field and
co-locate each zero or greater rain
rate with its IR brightness temps
Save all zero or greater rain rate pixels into a file along with pixel geolocation, insert date-time info for chronological searching
Update global histogram-matched
- Global 15-degree boxes at
5-degree lat/lon intervals
- Use previous N=24 hours of
collected IR-rain rate statistics
Read latest geo-SSM/I histogram file
Compute rain rate from this geostationary data using nearest TB-rain rate relation pixel-by-pixel
Apply tests to screen non-raining high clouds
Register infrared geostationary channels onto desired map projection
Update latest accumulations
(3, 6, 12, 24 hour totals)