Operational SSM/I and AMSU Derived Rainfall Retrievals for Synoptic and Climatic Applications


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Table of Contents

Operational SSM/I and AMSU Derived Rainfall Retrievals for Synoptic and Climatic Applications


Passive Microwave-Basic Concepts

PPT Slide

Ocean Surface Characteristics

Land Surface Characteristics

GOES Vis/IR vs. Polar Microwave

Rainfall Signatures (Model Based)

PPT Slide

Satellite History






SSM/I Sample Imagery - 11/30/98

AMSU Sample Imagery - 11/30/98

AMSU Sample Imagery - 11/30/98

AMSU Derived Products - 11/30/98

Time Series of AMSU BT’s

SSM/I 85 GHz TB’s - 8/01 to 9/30/98

Operational Algorithm Development

Rainfall Over Ocean

Rainfall Over Ocean (con’t)

TPW over ocean

Rainfall Over Land

Rainfall Over Land (con’t)

SSM/I Rain Retrieval Algorithm

Melting Snow Signature

PPT Slide

Few Thoughts on Validation

Land Validation - Stage IV Gauge Product SE U.S. - Sep - Nov 1998

Land Validation - NEXRAD SE U.S. - Sep - Nov 1998

Ocean Validation - TOGA COARE

Uses of Products

Time Series of AMSU Products

Synoptic Applications

SSM/I Daily Mean TPW - 10/1 to 11/30/98 Dual Satellite/Daily Means

SSM/I Daily Mean Rain Rates - 8/1 to 9/30/98 Dual Satellite/Daily Means

West Coast United States

“Typical” Example

PPT Slide

An SAB Example - 1998 ENSO Storm

An SAB Example - 1998 ENSO Storm

PPT Slide

Tropical Cyclones

Rainfall Estimation - Steps 1 & 2

Rainfall Estimation - Steps 3 - 5

Hurricane Mitch from SSM/I

Hurricane Mitch (con’t)

Hurricane Mitch (con’t)

Hybrid Systems - Hurricane Lili

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

Uses of Products

Climate Applications

Climate Applications

How is it done?

SSM/I Time Series

Global Rainfall Patterns

Global Rainfall Patterns

Global Rainfall Validation

Global Rainfall Validation

Error sources

Ocean Rain Retrieval Errors

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

Interannual Variations

Interannual Variations

Interannual Variations

Interannual Variations

Regional Monitoring

Useful Web Sites

Useful References

References on Validation

For More Information….

Author: Ralph Ferraro