The Proteus performed a ~3.5 hour flight tonight (~1745 to ~2115 CST) to obtain observations of thick cirrus. Maneuvers were performed around the CART site as well as further north to target some thicker cirrus.
With one week to go til the end of the experiment, the DC-8 has ~19 total flight hours remaining, with ~3 to be used for the ferry flight back to California. Another two to three AFWEX science flights are possible. The current forecast, however, is calling for mostly cloudy conditions and some precipitation into Monday or Tuesday of next week associated with an expected arctic outbreak.
At mid-day, surface low pressure is developing across the Texas
panhandle with high level clouds moving east across the
Kansas/Oklahoma area. Expectation of thick mid and
high level clouds throughout the evening and low level clouds
developing after midnight. Conditions remained mostly cloudy
across northern Oklahoma throughout the night. Temperatures were
considerably warmer than previous nights, with a low in the upper 30s.
Instrument | Status/Comments | CART site: | CART Raman Lidar | Normal operations. | GSFC Raman Lidar | No AFWEX operations. Supported Proteus observations of thick cirrus and operated from ~1800 to ~2030 CST. | MPI DIAL | No AFWEX operations. Supported Proteus observations of thick cirrus and operated from ~1800 to ~2030 CST. | WFF Chilled Mirror Sondes | One launch at 1830 CST. | Other | DC-8: | LASE | No operations. | DLH | No operations. | Cryo frost-point/chilled-mirror | No operations. | SHIS | No operations. | COAST | No operations. | AeroSapient | No operations. | Proteus: | NAST-I | Normal operations. | NAST-M | Normal operations. | FIRSC | Normal operations. Obtained an excellent cirrus dataset. |