At mid-day, stratus over most of Texas was dissipating and moving
west. Possibility of some cirrus moving in from the northwest.
In the evening and throughout the flights, severe clear
conditions formed over northern Oklahoma. No clouds were detected by
LASE during the 8.5 hour flight. Temperatures dropped into the low
20s during the night and the integrated colun water vapor dropped to ~0.6 cm at midnight.
With high probability of precipitation on Tuesday night, Tuesday was called as a hard down day.
Instrument | Status/Comments | CART site: | CART Raman Lidar | Normal operations. Tim Tooman arrived today. | GSFC Raman Lidar | Normal operations from ~1830 to ~0145 CST. | MPI DIAL | Normal operations. | WFF Chilled Mirror Sondes | Launches at 1815, 2115, and 0015 CST. 2115 launch had a telemetry failure. | Other | Vaisala launches at 1830, 2130, and 0030 CST. | DC-8: | LASE | Normal operations. | DLH | Normal operations. | Cryo frost-point/chilled-mirror | Normal operations. | SHIS | Normal operations. | COAST | Normal operations. ~1 hr at 8 kft. | AeroSapient | No operations. | Proteus: | NAST-I | Normal operations. Largest single file (1.1 Gb) to date obtained during the flight. | NAST-M | Normal operations. | FIRSC | Normal operations. |