AFWEX Status, 01 December 2000
The MPIDIAL has integrated the new laser parts and is ready for
science operations. The GSFC SRL has also determined an issue with
"filter bleed-through" resulting in reduced performance at high
altitudes; a successful solution has been implemented.
After calling for a DC-8 flight at 11:30 CST, a second call was made
at 4:00 to proceed with the flight. Prior to take-off, however, a
low cloud deck associated with a front moving in from the
north moved in over the CART site and the flight was cancelled.
The Proteus flew a mission with a slow ascent over the CART site and
then south to make a clear sky overpass of the Purcell boundary facility at
~2100 CST.
At today's science meeting, Dave Whiteman showed comparisons of the
SRL,CRL, and Vaisala sondes, illustrating a sonde dry bias at 12-14 km
and removal of a SRL moist bias due to the filter bleed-through.
Rich Ferrare showed comparisons of the Cryo, LASE, and a Vaisala sonde
from the 11/29; the Vaisala measurements were moister than LASE and
Cryo from ~10 to 11 km. Hank Revercomb showed SHIS spectra from the
11/29 level flight legs which showed expected beahvior from the
various altitudes.
Clear skies at the CART site at mid-morning, but with a front moving
south-easterly from north central Kansas. By mid-afternoon, the low
level cloud edge associated with the front was somewhat stationary
just north of the Kansas border. By the scheduled take-off time
(5:45pm), the clouds moved to the south giving heavy cloud cover over
the CART site. Some cirrus also moving into the south-western portion
of Oklahoma.
Instrument |
Status/Comments |
CART site: |
CART Raman Lidar |
Normal operation.
GSFC Raman Lidar |
No science operations.
is up and ready to go. Attempting (given clear skies) allignment
procedures starting at 1700 today.
WFF Chilled Mirror Sondes |
No operations.
Other |
1730 and 2030 CST Vaisala sondes delayed til 1830 and 2130 CST.
DC-8: |
No operations.
No operations.
Cryo frost-point/chilled-mirror |
No operations.
No operations.
No operations.
AeroSapient |
Operated on the aircraft for ~5 hrs despite the flight cancellation.
Proteus: |
Normal operation.
Normal operation.
Normal operation. Second flight with science data.
Dave Tobin, University of Wisconsin