AFWEX Status, 30 November 2000

No-fly day called for DC-8 and Proteus due to forecast of inceasing cloudiness into the evening. Parts expected to arrive today for MPIDIAL. Decision to delay subsequent flights such that CF operations commence one hour later (~7 pm start) for better upper level Raman performance was made. At Stillwater, investigations going on regarding NAST-M operation and NAST-I performance. At Tinker, access to external network improved today, but network speed still very slow.

Scattered clouds at mid-morning and forecast of low and mid level clouds moving in by evening. Cloudy in afternoon with some thinning by evening. Mostly clear skies from ~1900 to ~2300 CST.

Instrument Status/Comments
CART site:
   CART Raman Lidar Normal operation.
   GSFC Raman Lidar Operational from ~1900 to ~2300 CST.
   MPI DIAL No science operations. Recieved Q-switch parts and began integration.
   WFF Chilled Mirror Sondes No science operations.
   LASE No science operations.
   DLH No science operations.
   Cryo frost-point/chilled-mirror No science operations.
   SHIS No science operations.
   COAST No science operations.
   AeroSapient No science operations. Working on ground station router network issues.
   NAST-I No science operations.
   NAST-M No science operations.
   FIRSC No science operations.

Dave Tobin, University of Wisconsin