AFWEX Status, 28 November 2000

No-fly day for DC-8 and Proteus. The tenatively scheduled flight was cancelled beacuse of expectation of thick cirrus. Set-up efforts continue at Tinker. Developed a new flight pattern for the DC-8 (flown on 11/29) and a daily schedule for weather briefing (11am), site coordination and go/no-go decision (11:30 to noon), science telecon (2pm), and late weather briefing (5pm). Ted Cress made visits to each of the sites today.

Patchy cirrus in mid-morning, with a forecast of persistent cloudiness into the evening. Scattered light cirrus at night.

Instrument Status/Comments
CART site:
   CART Raman Lidar Normal operation.
   GSFC Raman Lidar No science operations.
   MPI DIAL Not operational. Waiting on parts.
   WFF Chilled Mirror Sondes No science operations. 22 sensors left.
   LASE No science operations.
   DLH No science operations.
   Cryo frost-point/chilled-mirror No science operations.
   SHIS No science operations.
   COAST No science operations.
   AeroSapient No science operations.
   NAST-I No science operations.
   NAST-M No science operations.
   FIRSC No science operations.

Dave Tobin, University of Wisconsin