Patchy cirrus in mid-morning, with a forecast of persistent cloudiness
into the evening. Scattered light cirrus at night.
Instrument | Status/Comments | CART site: | CART Raman Lidar | Normal operation. | GSFC Raman Lidar | No science operations. | MPI DIAL | Not operational. Waiting on parts. | WFF Chilled Mirror Sondes | No science operations. 22 sensors left. | Other | DC-8: | LASE | No science operations. | DLH | No science operations. | Cryo frost-point/chilled-mirror | No science operations. | SHIS | No science operations. | COAST | No science operations. | AeroSapient | No science operations. | Proteus: | NAST-I | No science operations. | NAST-M | No science operations. | FIRSC | No science operations. |