Partly to mostly cloudy at midday with mid-level and high cirrus,
with considerable clearing toward evening. Total column water vapor
just over 1 cm for nearly all of the day. High cirrus and some
infrequent patchy low clouds encountered during the science portion of
the ferry flight. Reports of high winds, instability, water vapor
variability, and high ozone concentrations at 40kft over the CF during
the flight.
Instrument | Status/Comments | CART site: | CART Raman Lidar | Normal operation. | GSFC Raman Lidar | Operational during science portion of flights. Some concern over laser performance. | MPI DIAL | Not operational. Failed Q-switch. Waiting on parts. | WFF Chilled Mirror Sondes | Operational. Launches at 1850 and 2150 CST. | Other | 1730 and 2030 CST Vaisala sonde launches delayed til 1830 and 2130 CST. | DC-8: | LASE | Normal operation. | DLH | Normal operation. | Cryo frost-point/chilled-mirror | Normal operation. | SHIS | Normal operation. Demonstrated improved noise performance. | COAST | Normal operation. | AeroSapient | Normal operation. | Proteus: | NAST-I | Normal operation. | NAST-M | Normal operation. | FIRSC | Engineering flight. No science data. |